Friday, January 28, 2011

Television...what has it come too???

The Jersey Shore...need I say more...Television has become ridiculous...I can't take it, I don't want to date a "Gorilla" go clubbing at Karma....get ready cuz the cabs are here and it's T-shirt time....ahhhh how do I even know all of this!!! It's hard to escape and not really painting the greatest picture of the youth of today....boozing, hooking up with strangers, fighting....yikes...brain cells are dying with ever second of this show!!! that is where it will always be's Oscar time soon!!! Thank heavens :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Halloween Costumes

So every year I'm really into Halloween, I love the candy, decorations, scary movies etc. etc. But when it comes to the is always a challenge on what to wear. There are a lot of options of course. It always takes time to put it together as well. If you leave it too late and then go shopping for it, there isn't much left, so you need to get on top of it early. I also enjoy costumes that are thematic with other friends i.e. a group costume. But here is the thing that seems to happen every year that I never understand......why do all these girls out there use it as an excuse to dress totally skanky...what's up with that!!! This isn't a party with just you and your boyfriend in your bedroom....Hello, you are still going out in public Ms. sexy nurse, french maid or little devil. I don't get it at all. I know this is a page straight out of the movie Mean Girls when Lindsay Lohan's character shows up to the party dressed up as a dead bride and is all scary and everyone makes fun of her. But seriously how did Halloween turn from scary to slutty???I want to bring scary back! (not sexy...) anybody with me???

Monday, September 27, 2010

Documentary Film Elitist….who me?

Yes, yes, some people have considered me one, but I do have the credentials to back it up, I don’t want to toot my own horn here, but I have a double major in Art History and Cinematic Studies…so my personal opinions on film tend to be backed by theory at the very least. Anyway, I’ve always stood by my love of documentary film in light of other people bashing it for being boring or not a good reason to want to see films. There are many people out there that revel in the entertainment value alone of the cinematic experience. Those Avatar lovers who get super excited to slap on the 3-D glasses and chug back their giant slurpy at the theatre….which btw is not a film I’ve seen.

Documentary films are different, in that you learn something more on life, through the struggles, challenges and successes of others these films often focus on. Sometimes they are on a hot political topic that spawns major discussion amongst friends afterwards over coffee or with that well versed guy at work around the water cooler who’s seen it too. It becomes interesting to get a glimpse into a world you would not really be privy to otherwise, that’s why I enjoy documentaries. I mean let’s face it, I’d never be:

-A black male rapper-“The Carter”-documentary on Lil’Wayne

-A magazine mogul- “Hugh Hefner-Playboy, Activist and Rebel”

-A child from an Evangelical Christian family-“Jesus Camp”

-A truck driver in the US on a late night route -“Big Rig”

-An International break dancer-“Planet B-boy”

You get my drift. I loving seeing the world from a vantage point I never would be able to all from the comfort of my living room or a small indie theatre and of course still take it with a grain of salt that it is one opinion, not a generalized view of that culture, lifestyle, issue. etc. Sometimes it can get even better when you see it at these small theatres, they invite the Director or Writer to it and have a q and a session that follows-bonus….ok well sometimes, sometimes the q and a sparks too much back and forth and turns into a major war of words, but I digress.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t watch anything else, I love other genres of film too, don’t get me wrong. I’m just perplexed at the people who hate with a capital H, documentaries. I’ve been coming into contacted lately with these people…a lot. Dated a few in fact (and must say I think it’s now a deal breaker for me!) Anyway, the long and short of it is, I may talk about Docs that I’ve seen on here, so skip over those entries, if you don’t enjoy them too!!! You’ve been warned!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Bus Ride Home...aka entering the twilight zone!

I take the city bus to and from work everday. It's not a long ride, 10-15 mins. tops. It amazes me though how much seems to happen or be witnessed on the trip, the unexpected cast of characters that get on and off the bus each time. I live in the Nation's Capital, so of course you would think the bulk of bus riders are government employees, which is likely true-they never stand out's always the other people that for whatever reason can make the short trip...much, much more colourful. They sing songs out loud....about a sandwich, rock out to the music on their mp3 player...a little too noticeably in public i.e. playing the air drums. This past friday evenings bus ride home however...had to be one of the more interesting. I got on the bus and headed to the back, sat down and did a double take. There were two girls sitting together side by side, they were identical twins. They both had matching floral dresses on and the same extra long blond hair (same style), no smiles, no emotion. They kinda reminded me of those twin girls from that movie with Jack Nicholson in the creepy hotel..The Shining.

The were sitting beside a teenage boy who I don't think they actually knew before the ride but started talking to him, asking him questions and finishing eachothers they were using one brain...really strange. The bus went over a bridge and in unison they said, "we use to catch crawfish in that river." then silence...huh, a little fundamentalist mormonish overall. Anyway, it was odd. I tried to read my book, but was too distracted by their whole aura.

On to next bus ride, who knows who will be riding along with me the next's always an adventure...into the twilight zone that is oc transpo!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


So after concerns raised by my doctor following heavy usage of antibiotics this past year…it has been noted in his professional opinion that to clear out my system of these drugs and just to generally get thing back on track….I should partake in a four week detox diet. At first I thought to myself, he’s on to something here, perhaps a remedy I (often classified as a bit of a hypochondriac) hadn’t come up with. Alright so what is this going to entail??? Well, what it came down to was pretty simple, four weeks of cutting out pretty much ever enjoyable thing in my life expect for my PVR taped tv shows oh and my dog.

That’s right, it’s going to be four weeks of basically meat, veggies and water and a boatload of supplements including everything from oregano oil to grapefruit seed extract. Anyway, I said sure I’ll give it a whirl, how bad could it be?! I took the diet home started reading it over, the whole time thinking in my head, 4 weeks-that adds up to a month, I’m sure it will fly by, I’m sure I won’t even notice it, I’m sure I’ll feel like a million bucks once this thing is over with and then I’ll never look back! I sat down on my couch and really started to let it sink in…..what I’d be giving up that is….and some key vices started to become blazingly clear that would have to go out of the window in order to do this detox right. Those can’t live without items included:

Coffee, milk chocolate, cheese and the absolute worst of it all to part ways with for a month……..WINE!!!!!!!!!! What had I gotten myself into!!!

Then I started to think of all the events coming up like weddings, parties, outings after work that would be sabotaged by this new plan! So I then convinced myself I’ll slowly ease into it. After the wedding I’m a part of, I’ll start it then. Well, the wedding was last weekend, so now this thing is really looming over my head. The plan is to commence Monday morning with the diet, so the countdown begins. I’m tempted to fit in every good awful food item I’m craving in the meantime…smoke meat sandwiches, poutine, pints of beer, bacon, a 2 litre bottle of orange crush, sour cream and onion chips, a taco or maybe two, chicken fingers, a club sandwich, pizza….OMG!!!!

Atleast for tonight I have some of my favourite tv shows on (p.s. I love the new season of tv shows each year.. Sept. is my b-day falls in Sept. and news seasons, win) to take my mind off of what is to come: The Jersey Shore and The Big Bang Theory…are both on now on Thurs nights…it’s just too much entertainment for one evening!!! I’ll keep you posted on the trials and tribulations of this detox diet. I really hope it will be worth the effort in the end and I don’t become a raging manic wanting to kill everyone around me as I come off of my caffeine and sugar addictions, in the meantime!!! God speed.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Creepy dudes that do not know they're creepy!!!

So I've come to a conclusion now entering my thirty's and yes....(I know this makes my Irish Catholic grandbaby craving mother's heart sink)....still single...there are a lot of creepy guys out there!!! More so then I seemed to remember before??? Oozing out of the cracks, popping up everywhere lately. What's the deal??? The best part is...THEY DON'T KNOW IT!!! Their creepiness is completely unbeknownst to them!!! I guess that is why they are when it comes down to it and continue to one has pointed out the obvious!!! I know what you are thinking...what constitutes creepy...for men who may want to steer clear of getting this title, I'll give you a few examples:

-If you are still dressing like you did in highschool, or look like a lost member of the backstreet boys (circa their prime) but you really are 35 plus...creepy.
-If you start hinting at one night stands, no strings attached or wanting to have some fun (wink, wink) right out of the gate in conversations 1,2,3 or even 4....creepy.
-If you FB stalk a person regularly or any kind of internet type info. gathering on them....alright a little creepy (but I'll admit most people have done this one!!!)
-If you think you can dance, but people move away from you on the dance flr. so by the end of the night you are the last dude left....creepy.
-If you have a strip clubs phone number and address in your phone contacts list just in case....creepy.
-If you are still truly searching for that perfect 21 year old to "spend quality time with".....creepy.
-If you'd like to master the fine art of picking up and the Jersey Shore dudes are your role models for this endeavour.....creepy.
I think you get it!!! Anyway, needless to say, I hope my creep-magnet shuts off soon!

Welcome...First Entry

I have many humorous observations about life and wanted to write about them for others to naturally a blog made sense....If I can laugh at the trials and tribulations that make up my life...I hope others can right along with me..enjoy!